The Way of Sorrows

Morning Sorrow:

It is yet to be dawn, and the day is far spent.  Early hours we call them, when we dream half remembered dreams that trouble our minds and we half wake and know sorrow.

We all have met it, unique to each, and yet universal. You have not known mine and I have not known yours – and yet even as I write, I am certain, you understand.

 I have a morning sorrow and I do not know yet if it will pass from my memory or into it.

I know this only; that Christ also knew morning sorrow.  His sorrows came not from his own troubles, but from ours.  Alone in a garden called Gethsemane, yet he was surrounded by all of our sorrows… yes – alone, just as you and I are when our morning sorrows grip us; it was then, that our Christ prayed in agony and sweat drops of blood and fulfilled His promise by rising and willingly, resolvedly walked into our only way out of all our sorrows.

I lay here alone, in my mind, and face my morning sorrow and feel alone and helpless, for reasons past and present, that have invaded my morning and touched me with sorrow.

I lay here and think of my own broken dreams, and then I have a moment when I pour all of it out before Christ.  He understands because he has lived it.  Not only mine, but yours also.  He lived it, and rather than walk away and leave us to deal with ourselves, he got up and walked into that place, when he alone would pay full price that we can live where there will be no more sorrow.

He lived my sorrows before I lived them; before I ever was. He bore them, alone in a garden, in the very early hours when he weighed the consequences, and he stood up and accepted the price he would pay, on my behalf, so that I could one day have joy everlasting.  He stood up so that one day he would wipe away the tears from my eyes… the tears I have shed and those unfallen tears that wash over me in the early morning when I plead for the sorrows to end, and then I am reminded that the day will come; and they will be no more.

Christ got up and walked The Via Delarosa, The Way of Sorrow.  The Via Delarosa, all the way to Calvary.

John 3: 16

“For God so loved the world,

he gave his only begotten Son,

that whosoever believeth on Him,

shall not perish,

but have life everlasting.”