Living in Interesting Times - We are living in interesting times, and I wish to speak to you from my heart.  I pray you will read my letter. The whole world is changing. Are we really ready?

What if that time is now? The Bible tells us that in the end times, there will be a one world government. It also tells us that the people who follow God will be kept from the wrath that God will bring against this coming government. What if the time is now? Are you ready for the borderless country? The winds of change are blowing. You must feel it. (The call for no borders hasn’t stopped, it’s just quieter, but the voices are multiplying and slowly again rising in volume.) It is going to happen and if you’re honest, I mean really honest with yourself, and you look around at the world, what do you see? 

It is starting to happen now. Why do I believe a one world government is coming? Because Matthew 24 is about that take over, and all the signs are that those days that Jesus spoke of are here. Even now we have to behave correctly or face punishment. And who decides if your behavior is correct? The government.

How does that affect you here in America? Right now, here in America your school students are openly being influenced by pro-liberalism which openly teaches from a page out of the Communist manifesto. Where do you think the mobs of destruction came from that have taken over, and with the assistance of government officials who do nothing and punish those who would stand against the raging mobs?  They are so open that everyone has seen it.  And when they are tucked away, have they stopped?  Or have they been set aside for the future while the current crisis is used for more government control?

In 2020, here in America we were told that for our own good we could not move freely about. We could not interact freely. And for a while we were told that in our churches we could not greet one another or sing praises.  Some, but only a few churches stood against it. We had an advocate in the White House who stood with us, but that time has past, and now a new crisis is being manufactured to start it up all over again. We were told it was for good. It was not. We believed it was not going to happen in America? But now it has.

And who do you think is going to stop it? Who can stop it now that it has started? With every election the liberal agenda gains more power. Right now they are being held at a slower pace, but they are not being stopped. Right now the Restrainer/Holy Spirit is restraining, but do not fool yourself, we are in a war.

These politicians, which we laugh at and call names are still there voting on our countries policies. And they are growing in strength while our focus is on the current, so called, world crisis. How long can you go on leaning on the old belief that “it won’t happen here?” "Not in America," we have said.

Right now God has given America a window of grace to prepare for what is going to happen. For a while God was using two men to stem the tide of the coming one world government take over. Those two men were President Donald Trump/USA and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu/Israel. They were all that stood between you and the coming takeover of liberal policies. Now what?  Maybe the next electin will give you a little reprieve, but for how long?

Are you paying attention to what is going on in Europe and the Middle East? Today, the Middle East is volatile, it stands on the brink of a world war. Just as God used world leaders in the past, today he used those two men but their time, and ours, was short. Has God given us a little more time to see? 

Who do you see on the horizon who would stand in the crosshairs as they were doing? Are you ready for what happens next? What you should be asking yourself right now is “Now that these two strong minded men are no longer standing between me and the world’s way of governing, where am I going to stand? Where are you now? Are you being honest about where you are in prophetic history?

You probably know the Bible says that God's people will escape the coming wrath, but will you escape or will you be among those left to “get along as best you can under the circumstances?” And if you can’t see the handwriting on the wall, let me tell you – it is there, and circumstances are changing. How long do you think you’ll last when food and medicines are government regulated? And what will you do in order to buy and sell? What about necessary medicines for those you love? What will you give up to get those things?

The Hand Writing on the Wall, you do know that when the hand writing was seen, that was the end. It wasn't a warning, it was the pronouncement that Babylon had been judged. 

The same way Hitler was able to come on the people unaware and change their way of thinking is the same thing happening in America today. You see it, but you cling to the old belief that America is strong and good and it can’t happen here and you choose to carry on as if todays circumstances will pass and then you'll get back to life as usual. They've even created a newspeak word phrase for you - "the new normal.  Do you think that's an accidental choice of words?

You may even say you’re angry about it but if you’re honest you haven’t realized there is a real war and you haven't really chosen which side of the war you’re on. That is probably because you haven't realized what the two side are.  

The first step comes when you realize this is "a war against God." Do you still think you have time to turn the whole world around and get back to what for you was normal? Time is quite literally running out. Today you have a choice, tomorrow a choice isn't promised to you, and the day that it is too late to decide to escape the consequences is fast approaching.

Did you know repent was a military term? It means to turn around and go away from the direction you are traveling. Biblically it means turn from your own way and go God’s way. In these days your choice of direction is more critical than it has been since the beginning of time. You haven’t decided yet? Waiting is a choice not to turn around. In truth, you have chosen - you just haven’t been honest with yourself about it yet… But in this moment, there is still time to have a change of heart. Choose wisely, because once you choose, you’re on that road forever.

Do you ever ask “if I die today will I go to Heaven?” Why would anyone put off the most important decision they could ever make in their lives, concerning eternal life?

"Moreover, brethren, I declare to you the gospel which I preached to you, which also you received, and in which you stand, by which also you are saved, if you hold fast that word which I preached to you—unless you believed in vain. For I delivered to you first of all that which I also received: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, and that He was buried, and that He rose again the third day according to the Scriptures.” - 1 Corinthians 15:1-4

Don't wait to decide and have your belief be a vain whim. The saddest stories always begin, if only I had known… Chose to be among those who know. Chose to be among those who believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and are saved.

Why am I sounding an alarm? Ezekiel 33:6 "...if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet, and the people are not warned, when the sword comes... his blood I will require at the watchman's hand." I have chosen not to be silent.  As in the days of Noah, there is a day coming when God will call the Elect away from the coming wrath, will you have decided before that day?  It is fast approaching. 

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