These are the Words I would say: If I were able to speak from Heaven.

I wanted to be in Church when everyone else wanted to have a day off and vacation or do something else. There was a reason for that. It was the right thing for a Christian to do. I wasn't trying to be "holier than thou," I was just trying to be obedient because I understood what Jesus has done for me. The Bible said forsake not the assembling of yourselves together.

When I was 10 years old I asked Jesus to be my Savior. It made me see things differently. Oh yes, there were many times I faltered and fell, but God has never let me fall from His hand. He has always called me back to Him. In all my failings Jesus never failed me. And now, I have the Blessed Hope. To believe and be saved, to always have the Blessed Hope, is what I want most for those I love.

It was this desire of my heart which was the dividing point in some of my relations and I didn’t have the power to change anyone else’s heart. My prayer has been that God would give them ears to hear His truth and minds to understand it. My prayer has been that their hearts would open and receive Jesus as their Savior - as your Savior. If I am gone and you read this, my prayer will be that you survive.

I pray now that all will escape to Heaven and be saved from the coming wrath. And now this is the letter I leave or have left behind. If you get this letter and I have died you still have a chance to choose the Lord and also gain the Blessed Hope of the Rapture, please do it, but if the Rapture has happened, if millions of people worldwide have just vanished, your choice to follow Jesus will be more difficult than anything you could ever imagine.

If you are left behind there is still a second chance for Heaven, but it will be an intense and dangerous choice. My prayer is still that you will say,) Lamb of God, just as I am, save me. These are the words I sang when I made my decision to follow Jesus: "Just as I am, without one please, But that Thy Blood was shed for me; And that Thou bid me come to Thee, O Lamb of God, I come, I come…. Just as I am, and waiting not, To rid my soul of one dark blot; To Thee whose blood can cleanse each spot O Lamb of God, I come, I come… Just as I am, Thou will receive, Will welcome, Pardon, cleanse, relieve, Because Thy promise I believe, O Lamb of God, I come, I come."

As horrific and difficult as the 7 years of wrath will be, you can have the hope of the coming King. You can have the hope that your tears will be wiped away. Hold on to the faith you have. The Lord Bless and Keep You through it all, Amen  

Now is a time to know what is coming on the Earth. If you are among those left behind (yes, so many laughed at that book, but it is not funny anymore) it is important that you know what to expect.

Today, we see that nature is getting ready for the coming war between God and the world powers that have sold out to the enemy of God. Have you become one of the Saints of the 5th Seal of Revelation? If so then, “Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. He is risen. He is risen indeed."

This letter is to tell you about your fate and to comfort you in these times. As I write this letter of hope for you, you are not aware of your future. The good news, is good because the bad news is so very bad. The good news is that if you have now realized that Jesus Christ is Lord and have asked him to be your Savior, your soul is saved. No matter what happens to your body, you will live again in an eternal uncorrupted body full of life and joy. As a tribulation saint your brave testimony adorns the precious passages of the New Testament. This is what the Book of Revelation says about you: “When He (Jesus Christ) opened the 5th seal, I saw, (John is the one who witnessed the future) under the alter, the souls of those who had been slain for the word of God and for the testimony which they held. And they cried with a loud voice, saying, ’How long, O Lord, holy and true, until You judge and avenge our blood on those who dwell on the earth?’ Then a white robe was given to each of them, and it was said to them that they should rest a little while longer, until both the number of their fellow servants and their brethren, who would be killed as they were, was complete.” Revelation 6: 9-11

Many of you reading this could be among those who will be slain for refusing to deny Jesus and your testimony as a believer. The prophetic timeline is moving rapidly. Many Christians will instantly vanish in a supernatural event called the Rapture.  And already the enemy is preparing an answer to "where did they go?" Already we see world governments and newscasters talking about alien visits from space. Some of what you have seen and heard is new technologies not from space, but from Earth.  But some of what you are seeing is indeed not of this Earth, but neither is it from "outter space," rather it is from demonic visitations from dimensional travel. 

What about the Rapture? This major promise and event, this miracle of Christ was predicted in the Bible in John 14: 1-5. And the details were further explained by the apostle Paul in Ist Corinthians 15: 51-55, and 1st Thessalonians 4: 5-18. It is likely you became a believer after this supernatural event. Did you wait too long to answer the call? If so then you now exist in a post Rapture world and you are experiencing extremely turbulent times.

Nothing like this has ever happened before. As Jesus said: DO NOT BE DECEIVED. Soon a charismatic world leader (called by Christians the antichrist) will confirm an improved seven year peace treaty/covenant between Israel and the governing body that is perpetrating a global agenda, which is contrary to what you have realized is the truth. It's going to look like a great plan, don't be deceived.

You know that Jesus Christ is the “way, the truth and the life.” Christ is now your Savior, and your Lord and this is your testimony from the Word of God. However, your message is not popular among most people and you will be caused to count the cost of following Christ. You will rise to the occasion with a strength you did not expect to have and your courage will inspire many others to follow in your footsteps. These are your fellow servants and brethren.

In Revelation 7: 1-8 you will see the witness of two Angels, and that God has prepared 144,000 Jewish evangelists who will teach and inspire a great multitude, that no one can number from all nations and tribes and people and languages. Your testimony and theirs will lead many to believe (Revelation 7:9.) When you and your fellow servants are in heaven you will shout “Salvation belongs to our God who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb!” Revelation 7:10

Then the angels and all of you and all of us who are in Heaven will worship God. It will be the biggest Praise Fest and filled with so much victory and joy, and none of us has ever had such a great time as that will be. It will be unbelievable!

Hold on, just hold on. After the Rapture there are 3 periods of Christian martyrdom. You may be in the first phase. This happens after the Rapture but before the confirmation of the false covenant. The false covenant/peace deal was prophesized in Daniel 9: 27. You are probably living between the Rapture and the false covenant. Some of you will survive! Whether or not you survive physically, your souls are saved. The white robe is our symbol that we are washed of our sins by Jesus blood and though our sins are as scarlet, we are now cleansed whiter than snow. Your mind may be deeply troubled, but your soul has a peace beyond understanding in these perilous times.

The Bible doesn’t tell us how long after the rapture the seven year contract/covenant begins. That is why we don’t know now how long before the blood of the saints is avenged. But once the 7 years begin we will know exactly how long, and they are 7 grueling years. Those who are alive then can count the days. At first it will be persecution, but then it will be martyrdom. They will go crazy after the blood of Christians. It is described in Revelation 17: 6 as a woman, drunk with the blood of the Martyrs of Jesus. I don’t know for sure, but I think the false one world religion will come from the remaining false church and those religions which align with it. I think there will be satanic use of the “virgin Mary” to convince people to follow the false religion. I wish I could know of a certain, so I could warn you, but I don’t know. I am not a prophet. I think it is explained in Revelation 17: 4-5, and it seems evident that the Pope (currently that is Pope Francis) will use what the Bible calls lying wonders (possibly so called outter space aliens?) to convince many to follow the new religion of the woman.

This new one world religion will be used by the anti-christs until The Anti-christ is ready to enter the newly built Temple in Jerusalem and proclaim himself as god. Even today we see how entertainers can perform what seems to be miracles but at this time a powerful force will come after the true followers of Christ (read Isaiah 28: 15) and they will do things that will convince many that they are gods, like the titans of mythology. 2020-24 have been very weird years so far, but nothing compares to what is to come.

We now live in "interesting" times, but you, after the Rapture, are living in "frightening" times. Ultimately the Global economy or one world government, which is being set up even now, will be done using the ‘one world religion,’ and in Revelation 17:16 you can read how it changes.

Find a Bible. There should be many of them left all around. Find one before they are destroyed. This charismatic leader will rule 10 powerful world leaders and they will desolate the new religion and take over. This will happen in the middle of the 7 years. This mid-tribulation event will cause the eyes of Israel to finally be opened. There are 7 years of Tribulation, and the last 3 ½ years are called the Great Tribulation.  It was tough but it gets even worse.

II Thessalonians 2, describes how people will be forced to live. It is/was all prophesied in Revelation 13. Hold on to the Lord, even in your great anxiety. Read Revelation 13: 19-20 and 14: 12-13 and Hold On. We, who will be, in heaven are praying for you. God is faithful. Everything prophesized will happen, but He will return and then it will be over and we will live as God always planned for us to live. In Joy and Abundance. Trust in the Lord, hold onto the truth. Jesus Christ is Lord and He is coming again. My prayer is you are with me and not one left behind.

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